Plán vývoje
Přehled plánovaných změn a featur v projektu Megio.
Prioritní (ASAP, tento nebo příští měsíc)
- Add env
for S3 Storage adapter - Add DB translations with AI auto-translate + Modal with api token
- Rewrite current integration tests (PHP)
- Add default sort for collections (columns, direction)
- Access log & error log dashboard with Tracy/BlueScreens
- Allow collection detail values to be rendered outside the collection form
- Add datadog Logstash logger
- CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions
Před vydáním verze 1.0.0
- Add PHP 8.4 & upgrade all dependencies
- MultiFile upload field, field rule, field renderer, column renderer, vue-renderer, api
- MultiImage upload field, field rule, field renderer, column renderer, vue-renderer, api
- Autocomplete recipe field, field renderer, vue-renderer, api
- Add sortableByRelation in
collections - SearchBuilder - addFilter, modalFields, API, docs
- Rewrite current docs to 1.0.0
- Docs - Basic principles
- Docs - Database
Ostatní nápady
- Introduction video about collections
- Multi-tenant extension (for invoice-gun app)
- Form repeaters for collections
- AI text helper (ChatGPT + PHP Storm style)
- Add all missing endpoints to Postman
- Add all missing endpoints tests (jest) in